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Domestic violence has a significant impact on the overall maternal health of survivors. The intersection of domestic violence, brain health, and substance use presents unique challenges when serving and supporting survivors. Dr. Sufna John will discuss the overall impact on maternal health and trauma informed approaches necessary to serve this unique population. As an Indian American mother of two biracial children, she also provides insight and knowledge around the importance of providing services through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Denise Stadter will provide insight into how substances sometimes serve as a coping skills for survival.
Heighten community awareness about the intersection of domestic violence, brain health and substance use.
·Increase awareness of the impact of domestic violence and overall maternal health, and utilizing a trauma-informed framework.
·Increase awareness of the importance of utilizing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion lens in order to provide culturally sensitive holistic services.
CEUs (1 Contact hour) available at no cost for:
Social Work
Marital & Family Therapists
Mental Health Counselors*It is the responsibility of the individual to be familiar with the CEU requirements of their professional license board. Licensees should retain course materials and certificates for four years for auditing purposes.
CEU request forms will be available following the session.