Who’s Helping
A Gift Can Change a Life

Children & Families of Iowa is able to help so many at-risk children and families because of the support of generous donors. The charitable contributions CFI receives from individuals, companies and organizations makes all the work the organization does possible. CFI appreciates the support!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Children & Families of Iowa is dedicated to improving the communities it serves. For 135 years, CFI has found that the thoughtful, committed citizens of those communities are just as committed. CFI is grateful for those who are doing their part to change the world by giving to the programs of Children & Families of Iowa. Gifts of all sizes can make a difference. Some people give because they want to “pay it forward.” Others are inspired by CFI’s compelling stories of hope. Still others simply want to donate to an organization they believe in.