Individual Donors
People across Iowa recognize the work CFI does to help their neighbors, co-workers, friends and families. These generous individuals dig deep to help Children & Families of Iowa make a difference. These gifts reflect commitments made between July 1, 2022 and June 30 2023.
Circle of Stability ($50,000 and above)
Mike† and Greta Hayward
Circle of Safety ($25,000 – $49,999)
Circle of Trust ($10,000 – $24,999)
Anonymous (2)
Erik and Angie Askelsen
Paul Conner
Charles and Jaina Johnson
Brian and Andrea Mamola
Angie and Darwin McCleish
Bradley Van De Woestyne & Melissa Madsen
Kristina Williams and James Taibi
Circle of Respect ($5,000 – $9,999)
Anonymous (2)
David and Laura Attaway
Greg and Mary Bailey
Christine and Troy Berglund
Barbara Crowley
Patricia Dolecheck†
Thomas and Sally Graf
C. J. Jacobson
Sharon and Kyle Krause
Julie and Andy Middleswart
Don Schoen
Thomas and Julie Slater
Michael Tobis
Circle of Hope ($2,500 – $4,999)
Martha and Robert Brammer
David and Marsha Arens
Kathy Baker-McCloud
Brian and Emily Beckett
Christopher and Barbara Covert
Chris and Gretchen Frazier
Brian and Elizabeth Freeman
Teresa Garcia-Holm
Dr. Gloria J. Gray
Mark and Jana Harmon
Katherine and Andrew Hauser
Sheri Avis Horner
Dan and Amy Koestner
Julia Lawler & Scott Johnson
Mary Mantz†
Nate Ohnemus
Sonia Parras
Harrison and Rosella Pratt
Judith Reel
Dolph Robb
Pat and Michelle Rounds
Bo and Nora Schatzberg
Ann Smisek
Joan and Tom Tobis
Kathleen and Larry Zimpleman
Circle of Support ($1,000 – $2,499)
Anonymous (2)
Joe and Tara Adducci
John and Karin Ahrold
Jasmina Alicic
Steve and Rachel Allen
Craig and Vicki Allen
Kent and Laura Altena
Dorothy and Paul Anneberg
Melissa Appenzeller
Cole Bruening
Burle and Alice Carrigan
Dr. Ken L. Cheyne
Andrea and Berneil Colorado
Jim and Patty Cownie
Dianne and Donald Draper
Michele Druker & Wade Hauser
Eric Faust
Gloria and Art Filean
Connor and Pamela Flynn
Andrew and Kylie Follman
Jessi and Brian Goodsell
Jordan Gustafson
Charles and Janet Haas
Sharon Haning
Matthew and Hayley Harvey
Jared & Carol Hills
Erik and Jennifer Horak-Hult
Fred and Charlotte Hubbell
Daniel and Kerri Johannsen
Tessie Johnson
Cheryl and Monty Johnson
Chris and Meredith Jones
Kristine Jones
Tera Jordan
Becky Kearns
Becky Knutson & Jim Usgaard
Rick & Annette Krause
Paul Larson and Deana Voth
Robert and Elizabeth Lee
Sylvia Lenz
Brent and Laurie Mardis
Michael and Rhonda McCoy
Terry and Geri McGonegle
Michael Muellerleile & Jennifer Robinson
John and Ann Nesbit
Robert Noble
Bill Noth
Kim and David Nyborg
John Pappajohn†
William Parriott
Patricia and Peter Pashler
Tony Ranniger
Jeremy Ratcliff
Chuck and Sheila Rayburn
Dave Roszak
John and Julie Schreurs
Janice and Ron Schroeder
Mary and Stanley Seidler
Robert and Amy Seiler
Cynde Shepherd
Jeff and Stacey Sporrer
Lori Stevenson
Jill Thompson Hansen & Rich Hansen
Josh and Brooke Timmer
Eric Toepfer
Mathew and Jalane Vaughn
Harvey and Rita Weinberg
Kara Wilson
Kate and Lucas Wolfe
Dedicated Supporters ($500 – $999)
Anonymous (2)
Bob and Cheryl Adams
Scott and Jennifer Anderson
Robert and Elizabeth Angelici
Kira Barclay
Charles and Emily Berrier
Trent Bildstein
Timothy and Pamela Billerbeck
Grace Bogart
Fernando Bolivar & Tim Voy
Noreen Christians
Daniel Connolly
Susan and Thomas Costanzo
Michael and Melanie Dayton
Gary Dinsdale
Carrie Dostal
Thomas Duff & Elizabeth Flansburg
Jonathan Duvick & Carol Hendrick
Mary Eipert & Steven Rowland
Drew Engebrecht
Cynthia Erickson
Debra and David Garnes
Scott and Alisa Glienke
Howard and Lynn Hagen
Debby Haning
Lee and Alex Harper
Vicki Hedlin
Jamie and Laura Henderson
Steve and Della Herborn
Alan and Karen Hermanson
Lynn and Austin Herndon
Stephanie Holmes
Dave and Joyce Ingle
Amy and Jacob Jaacks
Kurt and Janice Johnson
Ross and Deanna Junge
Dee Kading
Gary and Sue Kirke
Joyce Kuhn
Claire Lamb
Ken and Renee Martin
Dana Maudlin-Frey & Jeffrey Frey
Nick McCleish
Todd and Jennifer Meyer
Skip and Diane Miller
Jennifer Moats
Walter Moore
Jonathan Musser
Joan Nelsen
Angela Noble
Ruthanne Ott
DeAnna Page
Janell and Cory Pittman
David† Pommer & Sharon Loring-Pommer
Janine Reames
Steve and Pam Robins
Matt and Amy Romanin
Nicole and Josh Russell
Dan and Liz Ryan
Kent and Lou Ann Sandburg
Tracy Schmidt
David and Kay Schmidt
Ron and Janice Schroeder
Mary and Patrick Simon
Lora Simpson
Terry Sindelar
Katherine Sinning
Amy Stapp-Arpy & Brian Arpy
Dennis and Charlotte Stark
Jeff and Susan Stroud
Cameron and Carolyn Torstenson
Lauren Ugulini
JoLynn Wettach
Ryan Wicks
Kara Wilson
Dania Wilson
Connie Wimer
Carmen and Robert Yancey
Jeff and Gina Yurgae
† Deceased
CFIs Giving Circles
Stability, safety, trust, respect, hope and support—families need all of these to be successful. Children & Families of Iowa’s Giving Circles represent the work the organization does helping families build these qualities so they can be successful. Like the families CFI serves, every one of the Giving Circles is an essential part of helping Children & Families of Iowa restore hope, build futures and change lives. Each giving circle represents a level based on the total amount of the gifts last fiscal year.