Des Moines, IA (December 3, 2019) – In Iowa, on a single day – September 13, 2018:
- 735 Iowa victims found a safe place to stay in an emergency domestic violence shelter or transitional housing unit.
- 600 Iowa adults and children received non-residential services, including counseling, legal advocacy, and children’s support groups
This equals a total of 1,335 victims from across the state who were served in a single day. Unfortunately, the actual number of victims is likely higher, since many cases go unreported. There is no time to lose in providing these critical, much-needed services for at-risk Urbandale residents.
This census was performed by the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
“Quote from Endow Urbandale here.”
“Children & Families of Iowa provides shelter, resources and associated services to victims of domestic violence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. CFI’s domestic violence services are free to victims and their families.” said Amy Stapp-Arpy, CDO/VP of Development and Communications of Children & Families of Iowa. “We appreciate partnering with Endow Urbandale to be able to offer more services to the residents of Urbandale who are seeking safety from an abusive partner form CFI’s Domestic Violence Services and emergency shelter.”
CFI will utilize the $2,000 gift provided by Endow Urbandale to help provide safe shelter, crisis line services, outreach, advocacy and support, and community education to domestic violence victims from Urbandale. CFI helps victims make progress toward their goals, and create safe, healthy, lives for themselves and their children, thereby breaking the cycle of abuse.
CFI’s domestic violence advocates meets with at-risk victims of domestic violence residing in Urbandale as well as Polk and Warren counties, to determine the victim’s needs. These needs vary from individual to individual. They may need help leaving their abuser, finding safe shelter, obtaining assistance with education and job training, or transportation. Individuals may need help paying rent and purchasing items to set up their home, like clothing, food, furniture or cleaning supplies. Many victims must leave the abusive situation with only a moment’s notice, no money, and just the clothing they are wearing.
CFI’s Domestic Violence Services assist clients regardless of age, gender, or income level. The ultimate goal for domestic violence clients is to develop and maintain self-sufficiency after fleeing violent, dangerous, and unsafe living conditions.
CFI’s 62-bed shelter is the only domestic violence shelter serving Polk and Warren Counties and the largest shelter of its kind in Iowa. CFI’s local crisis hotline at (515) 243-6147 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Outreach services, support groups and public education are provided throughout Polk and Warren counties.
Children & Families of Iowa’s umbrella of services include:
Domestic Violence Shelter and Services – CFI’s 62-bed domestic violence shelter provides emergency shelter, food, and clothing, as well as a 24/7 emergency hotline. Outreach services include employment, legal assistance, housing, and health advocacy, and community education.
Mental Health Services – Therapeutic counseling for children, adults and families through a team of highly-trained therapists at five locations.
Family Support Programs – In-home counseling for families with children who are at-risk of abuse or neglect. CFI maintains an innovative, statewide parent mentoring program, and also provides budgeting education and assistance to low-income at-risk households.
Programs for Youth Programs – Substance abuse treatment, mental health therapy, financial education, mentoring, vocational planning, as well as workplace readiness.
Early Childhood Development Services – Affordable, quality child care for low-income working families and parenting teens. This program offers therapeutic classrooms for children with special needs.
Substance Abuse Services – Designed to halt the progression of alcohol and substance abuse at its earliest stages, before chronic dependency sets in.
For more information, visit cfiowa.org.
About Children & Families of Iowa
Children & Families of Iowa (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families throughout Iowa. Headquartered in Des Moines with offices in Ankeny, Fort Dodge, Osceola and Ottumwa, CFI provides services, such as: domestic violence prevention and intervention, teen programs, family support, early childhood development, mental health and substance abuse. The organization’s mission is to restore hope, build futures and change lives. Visit www.cfiowa.org for more information.
About Endow Urbandale
Endow Urbandale’s primary objective is to create a permanent, ever-growing General Community Endowment Fund to support a broad range of existing and future charitable, cultural, and civic needs throughout the community of Urbandale, now and for generations to come.
A secondary objective of Endow Urbandale is to provide a resource for other community organizations and individuals who wish to create their own special interest charitable endowment funds and take advantage of the professionally managed investment services.