Holiday Giving Programs Brighten the Holidays for Iowa’s At-Risk Families
November 25, 2019, Des Moines, IA – The Foundation for Children & Families of Iowa’s (CFI) holiday giving programs pave the way to restoring hope for Iowans. The Coaches Toy Drive hosted by Applebee’s along with community drives, and individual donations brighten the holidays for those struggling with difficult issues in their daily lives.
These holiday programs provide gifts and necessities for hundreds of individuals each year. With the help of generous donors, the holidays will be brighter for families like Abigail’s*.
Abigail, a young single mother, was struggling to provide food and housing for her two young daughters. She worked full time and was still struggled to make ends meet. Through CFI she was able to find quality, low-cost childcare for her daughters. After learning of her financial distress CFI’s staff helped her connect with the Foundation for CFI’s holiday program. “Without the gifts provided for our family, this Christmas would have been very sad for my girls,” says Abigail.
*Name has been changed to protect client confidentiality.
“Our deepest appreciation goes out to Applebee’s, the Iowa State Coaches and all the other donors and volunteers involved in our holiday giving programs,” says Amy Stapp-Arpy, CFI’s Chief Development Officer/Vice President of Development and Communications. “This holiday season over 1,000 hours will be logged by more than 133 community volunteers. By volunteering or making a donation, individuals have an opportunity to give back to underprivileged families in their community. We could not meet the needs of those we serve without the support of our community.”
Please visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e49aead23a5ff2-20192 if you wish to donate to or volunteer during CFI’s holiday programs, or www.cfiowa.org for current information on CFI programs and up-to-date details on volunteer opportunities and events.
About Children & Families of Iowa
Children & Families of Iowa (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families throughout Iowa. Headquartered in Des Moines with offices in Ankeny, Fort Dodge, Osceola and Ottumwa, CFI provides services, such as: domestic violence prevention and intervention, teen programs, family support, early childhood development, mental health and substance abuse. The organization’s mission is to restore hope, build futures and change lives. Visit www.cfiowa.org for more information.