The Mary Kay Foundationsm Honors Domestic Violence Awareness
Month by Issuing $3 Million in Grants to 150 Domestic Violence Shelters
Across the Country
November 26, 2018, Des Moines, Iowa – In support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Mary Kay Foundation announced today it is awarding $3 million in grants to 150 domestic violence shelters across the country. Children & Families of Iowa’s Domestic Violence Services has received a $20,000 grant to support local survivors of domestic violence in Iowa. This year’s grant contribution brings the Mary Kay Foundation’s total investment in its shelter grant program to $50 million.
The Mary Kay Foundation was established in 1996 with the overarching purpose of supporting issues impacting women. In 2000, The Foundation expanded to include ending domestic violence as part of its mission. The Foundation is committed to funding the life-saving work of women’s shelters and the annual shelter grant program has helped finance critical needs including emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling and legal aid. All of these resources support women and children as they seek refuge and relief on their journey to an abuse-free life. This year, more than 1,200 organizations applied for the Mary Kay Foundation shelter grants.
“At Mary Kay, we believe in helping women improve their circumstances and live their best lives. One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and it is our responsibility to support the women’s shelters that aid these survivors,” said President of The Mary Kay Foundation Board of Directors Michael Lunceford. “At the heart of The Foundation’s work is the shelter grant program which is actively supported by our independent sales force. We’re proud that our commitment makes such a powerful impact in local communities and in the lives of domestic violence survivors across the country.”
According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, more than 72,000 adult and child victims receive domestic violence services across the United States in just one day. Unfortunately, in the same period of time, more than 11,000 requests for services are unmet due to a lack of resources.
Children & Families of Iowa’s Domestic Violence Services:
Between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, Children & Families of Iowa (CFI) served 638 individuals at its Domestic Violence Shelter and 3,988 through Domestic Violence Outreach Services.
Since 1979, CFI has provided the highest quality of care to individuals and families through the following domestic violence programs focused on prevention, intervention, and recovery:
–Emergency Shelter: Survivors and families find safety and security at a 62-bed safe shelter that serves children and adults of all ages and genders.
–Crisis Line Services: Phones are answered 24/7 by trained domestic violence advocates. Family, friends, and individuals can call at any time.
–Health Advocacy: CFI partners with hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities to provide medical assistance to survivors. CFI helps clients develop safety plans to stabilize their emotional, psychological, and physical wellbeing.
–Legal Advocacy: CFI and the court system work together to assist with civil protective orders and provide legal support. A police advocate provided by CFI is available at the Des Moines Police Department to provide follow-ups on domestic violence incidents.
–Housing Advocacy: Survivors are eligible to receive housing assistance from CFI, including utility and rental assistance.
–Community Education: CFI provides educational seminars to better prepare the community to recognize, prevent, and respond to domestic violence.
The philosophies of trauma-informed care, self-sufficiency, and recovery are embedded into every CFI program, including all aspects of CFI’s DV services. CFI is well positioned to assist clients from all stations of life, from infants to seniors. When a CFI client receives DV services, he or she also has the opportunity to receive services from CFI’s other program areas.
Domestic Violence Shelter:
CFI’s Domestic Violence Shelter is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. This 62-bed shelter is the only one in Polk and Warren Counties, and the largest in Iowa. CFI’s shelter and services are open to individuals of any age, gender, and background. All services provided are at no cost to victims.
About The Mary Kay FoundationSM
The Mary Kay Foundation was created in 1996 and its two-fold mission includes funding women’s cancer research and ending domestic violence. Over the course of more than two decades, The Mary Kay Foundation has awarded more than $78 million to women’s shelters and domestic violence service providers, as well as cancer research programs and related causes throughout the United States. To learn more about The Mary Kay Foundation and its mission, visit marykayfoundation.org or call 1-877-MKCARES (652-2737).
About Children & Families of Iowa
Children & Families of Iowa (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families throughout Iowa. Headquartered in Des Moines with offices in Ankeny, Fort Dodge, Osceola and Ottumwa, CFI provides services such as: domestic violence prevention and intervention, teen programs, family support, early childhood development, mental health and substance abuse. The organization’s mission is to restore hope, build futures and change lives. Visit www.cfiowa.org for more information.